Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Late FVR and Ate Glo News Roundup

- Wala na raw ang "magic" ni Cory, says Ellen Tordesillas. And yeah, napansin rin namin biglang "to the rescue" ang opportunistic na si FVR after Aquino dropped her support for GMA. Tinulak kaagad ang Cha Cha proposal niya. LOL.

- Jake Macasaet on Tabako's ultimate diversion tactic

- Breaking story from PCIJ: "Yung dagdag, yung dagdag"

Basahin nyo siya. I'm not surprised anymore that PCIJ blog continues to kick ABS-CBN, PDI, GMA7 and PHILSTAR's ass on breaking new Gloriagate stories.

- NAMFREL's JoeCon, nag iingay na naman.

Last but not the least, this editorial on FVR. WE LOVE RAMOS!!! WE REALLY REALLY LOVE HIM!!! MUUUAAHHH!!!

It amazes one too many that former President Fidel Ramos continues to portray himself as the only leader who can save this country from ruin, despite the fact that nationwide surveys point out that only a mere 3 percent of the population wants to see him back in power.

Ramos ranks among the lower rung of cellar dwellers in the people's choice of an alternative leader in these days of political and economic crisis.

Even more amazing is that Ramos appears convinced his route for his return to power and position is through a Charter change to be effected by the discredited Congress.

And he has the chutzpah to tell the nation that toppling a government through calls of resignation and people power revolts with military intervention is unconstitutional and that the constitutional processes must be respected.

From what holy perch does Ramos preach, given the fact that in 2000, he not only ordered the then legitimately elected President, Joseph Estrada, to quit or else he would be ousted, but also actively participated, along with his aging generals, in a coup d'etat against Estrada while disguising this elite mob rule as “people power” in furtherance of democracy?

He, who showed total disrespect for the Office of the President and the Constitution and who helped to oust a constitutional President and even worked on military adventurism to oust a legitimate Commander-in-Chief, on sheer unsubstantiated allegations of corruption that the elite mob itself spread, in plotting Estrada's ouster even, to quote Rep. Miguel Zubiri, immediately after his election to the highest office in the land, now has the nerve to preach about constitutional methods to effect a proper change in government?

And does Ramos really believe that his “solution” which is changing the Charter by those disreputable politicians in Congress and introducing a federal parliamentary system of government would even fly with the Filipino people?

Ramos is too full of himself, believing his own generated propaganda spewed out by his boys, including the Abat clique, which hardly has any real military support.

Already, his plan to return to power and position through a shift to the parliamentary system has been slammed, due mainly to the instant public perception that this is yet another plot of his to become Prime Minister — and next year too! And to think Ramos has the gall to claim that he is doing this for the country!

Quite a lot of gall Ramos has, even dictating the terms and conditions in changing the Charter. Who the hell does he think he is for him to tell Congress that (a) the change will have to be done through a constituent body that will take its orders from an unelected high commission; (b) that the change will have to be a shift in presidential form to federal, parliamentary system; (c) that the time specifications include the time Congress will have to sit as a constitutional body; the time it must finish the new Charter; when this would be ratified by the people; the time to hold parliamentary elections and the day the new government and a new set of officials, no doubt led by him, would start their term in office.

Sheer gall Ramos has. Does he think he has control over the House and the Senate? Does he even have the authority to tell Congress what to do?

But there are more reasons the Ramos plan is definitely going to fail. Now, more than ever, it is the opposition that is dominant in the Senate, given that the Frank Drilon faction in the Senate will likely not cooperate in Charter change — at least not through a constituent assembly. There are of course some others in the opposition who are for the shift, but there are also others in Senate who aren't likely to go through such constitutional change at this time. Besides, even assuming that Gloria survives this crisis, which is gravely doubted, she has been so morally wounded that it would be impossible for her to get members of Congress, save for her discredited allies, to effect this move, especially since it has been made clear that Ramos is behind this move.

Still, Ramos is not the type to present one plan without having another. Even as his Charter change plan will have failed, his other plan succeeded, as he has obviously pulled off a coup that has made him the true power in the Palace, with him now calling the shots, even as he reportedly continues to seek American government support for his installation as a transition government to replace Gloria.

But that's the real problem with people such as Ramos and the elite Edsa II leaders — including the Catholic bishops. They call for constitutional means to resolve the political crisis, not realizing that they have lost that important moral ascendancy precisely because they did not respect constitutional means to remove Estrada.

All the problems that are being encountered today led by the destruction of the democratic institutions emanated from Estrada's unconstitutional removal from MalacaƱang.

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