Thursday, July 14, 2005

Thanks Gateway Pundit

for linking to my blog. And thanks Prof. Glenn, for linking to Gateway Pundit.

UPDATE: Whoa! Didn't saw this until now. From an anonymous commenter.

Just FYI, the so-called John Marzan you link to is a vehement pro-Estrada/Marcos loyalist who trolls various Filipino message boards with rabid anti-Arroyo propaganda. His weblog entries are, of course, always slanted towards the far-extreme anti-Arroyo side, even if it means linking to a newspaper owned by Estrada/Marcos loyalists (the Tribune) and defending the corruption and violence of previous administrations. Not the kind of person I'd trust my links to.

Pro-Estrada/Marcos? Not really. People familiar with the blog knows I'm pro-Lacson.

Can't be pro-Erap since I campaigned strongly against Estrada and did not vote for him back in 1998, although I may look like one since I'm a constant and loud critic of Arroyo administration and his civil society backers. I think they are worse than Erap, and the last four years have proven me right.

Can't be pro-Marcos either since I supported Edsa One and is one of many Filipinos wondering why Imelda is still not in jail. BTW, heard Imelda is a supporter of the current fake president. ;)

I supported Edsa One but not Edsa Two. I supported Edsa One because we had no democracy under the corrupt dictator Marcos.

I did not support Edsa Dos because I think it's just an unconstitutional power grab by Arroyo, her generals and civil society backers to remove a president they never liked from the very beginning. Edsa Dos was totally unnceccessary because we were under a democracy back then (unlike during Marcos' time) and we have all the constitutional tools necessary to oust a corrupt president.

But the anti-Estrada people did not use that and instead resorted to Edsa Dos, which set an unwanted precedent (removing presidents via a military and civil society backed coup) that has seriously damaged this country... and most people who once supported Edsa Dos four years ago are now saying the same thing, that it was a big mistake. Well, DUH!

Erap's removal was supposed to damage Jueteng (illegal gambling), but the opposite happened. Jueteng got bigger and more widespread under Arroyo's watch (even the bishops in the provinces admit it), and now her family (Pidal, Mikey, Iggy) are involved in it too.

Plus, you know this administration is not really serious about fighting jueteng when Chavit Singson is still a free man. LOL.

re the newspapers, I think I have already posted on this before.

The Tribune is a pro-FPJ/Erap opposition paper, just like the Philippine Daily Inquirer is the biggest pro Arroyo administration paper in the country. Malaya is a pro-Lacson opposition paper. And the Philippine Star, Manila Times, and Manila Standard are all pro-GMA.

(I don't think the Tribune is pro-Marcos tho since the Publisher and all of the columnists there are known anti-marcos people.)

There are a few other local Filipino weblogs with a more balanced viewpoint of what's going on here: columnist Manuel Quezon III and The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism.

I agree that the PCIJ blog is worth checking out.

Oh, and I work just a couple of blocks from there. It's an impressive rally, but there have been a couple of street fights outside my building. Not the best elements of society; I'm seeing banners carried by "Akbayan," a socialist group not unlike International ANSWER.

Uh, didn't the anti-Estrada civil society people welcomed these groups too during their edsa dos rallies?

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