Monday, August 29, 2005

Jose de Venecia must be confident

that the opposition won't get 79 signatures that he declared this.

UPDATE: More here:

Speaker Joe de Venecia arrogantly declared on national TV that the impeachment is dead because he has secured firm commitments from 280+ Congressmen who will vote down the complaint. And this, even before they could decide which complaint to process, and even before a single evidence is presented.


  1. hey john,
    picked up this link over at comments section of pcij.
    very scary. just as I would have done it if i were the pres., I would gone to work on the ballots
    AFTER the election just in case.
    sure enough. even before Hello Garci exploded, allegedly they went to work already.

  2. Yup, pera pera lang yan. Impyerno ang bagsak ng lahat nyan.
