Tuesday, August 30, 2005

More on the Amando Doronila appointment

Ducky Paredes thinks it's the WORST Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has made:

It may well be the worst appointment that Gloria Arroyo has made. This is the appointment of Inquirer columnist Amando Doronila as ambassador to the Benelux countries and to the European Union.

First of all, there is a law (also ignored by Gloria when she appointed Teofisto Guingona as ambassador to China) that sets an age limit of 65 to those who would serve as ambassador. This means that they ought to retire at 65. And here is Gloria appointing Doronila, who is already 77. Doronila is way past the upper age limit. If he were a sitting ambassador, he would already have been retired and here he is just starting on a diplomatic career, way over the age limit!

Doronila is also sickly. He recently suffered a stroke and may not even be fit to travel, much more take on a busy schedule that is required of an ambassador to what may well be one of the busiest ambassadorial posts in the world.

Also, Doronila, at his best, is nowhere near to having any diplomatic skills. He may be an egghead and a great columnist; but he certainly is no charmer.

Why, in Heaven’s name would Gloria make such an incompetent appointment? According to sources in Malacañang, Doronila asked for the posting and Gloria, for some reason, felt obliged to give the old man his wish.

Commission on Appointments members Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Luisa Ejercito Estrada, Sergio Osmeña III and Rodolfo Biazon have questioned the competence as well as the physical fitness of the newest ambassadorial wannabe.

Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago, chairwoman of the CA committee on Foreign Service, has promised that she will pointedly ask Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo to explain how career and non-career ambassadors are selected for particular postings. What are the criteria? Which posts will get a career posting and which posts deserve only a non-career person with no training in foreign affairs or embassy work?

Senator Osmeña said that, when asked, Doronila failed to answer basic questions such as the level of trade between Europe and the Philippines and the number of overseas Filipino workers in the continent.

Senator Enrile adds that Doronila does not seem to know what his job entails.

The Doronila appointment is in trouble so early on.

"It will be difficult for him to be confirmed," says Santiago. "Some members of the committee have serious doubts if he can carry out the functions of the position."

Enrile promised to invoke Section 20 if the committee recommends Doronila’s confirmation. This would mean that the confirmation is placed on permanent hold.

Enrile, who is of Doronila’s generation, has nothing personal against Doronila: "He’s competent in the area of being a journalist. He can write but whether he’s competent as diplomat is something else. That’s why we have to know and be assured that he can represent us there and protect our interest."

My two cents worth: Withdraw the appointment. If she does this, Gloria may actually be doing Amando Doronila the biggest favor she can do for him.

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