Friday, October 21, 2005

We Must Not Lose Our Nerve

We need to stand up to this Marcos Wannabe/bully now and not lose our nerve. We need to keep the pressure on GMA to resign or be ousted.

There are no second chances here. If we let her get away with GLORIAGATE/obstruction of justice without a fight, if we give up -- then it's over and she has won.

What doesn't kill her will make her stronger. In this case, if she does the unthinkable and survives GLORIAGATE, then magiging invincible siya politically... to the point na if she and her COMELEC decides to rig the cha-cha "referendum" or the 2007 "elections," there's nothing really we can do to stop her.

She'll be that untouchable.

It is obvious that she is willing to do WHATEVER it takes, including intimidation, violence, bribery, abducting witnesses just to hold on to power.

She is ruthless and will not give up this easily.

So removing her from power will be a difficult task, and we must stay strong. Ito nga ang sinabi ko dati, back in June 30, 2005:

If you think that forcing GMA to resign will be a cakewalk, think again. Now that she realized na isang malaking political blunder ang ginawa niyang phony apology, she and her spindoctors will make the necessary adjustments to correct their mistake and fight back.

I mean, you didn't expect GMA to go down this easily, do you? Marami kasing madadamay eh. She, her family, the military and their civil society allies like CODE-NGO and NAMFREL has too much to lose if she steps down.

At medyo matatagalan tayo sa laban natin against this fake president because for one thing -- unlike during Erap's time -- the Mainstream Media like GMA7, PDI (except for one or two of it's columnists), ABS-CBN and Philstar are on the administration's side this time around.

So, to those who think that GLORIAGATE will be over within 4 days just like Edsa Dos, you're not being realistic. This will be a LONG, HARD FIGHT.

But as long as we just keep telling the truth about this administration and their allies, in the end, babagsak rin ang corrupt at mandarayang "presidente" na ito.

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right John that it will be a long hard fight. Many people are beginning to see that because of what she has had to do to survive thus far, there is no turning back.
