Friday, November 11, 2005

Are we winning the War Against Gloria?

Dean Jorge Bocobo thinks the "People's Court" is a bad idea and finding common cause with some Lefty groups against Gloria even worse. But didn't the "middle class" and the elites joined forces with militant leftist groups to oust Erap too in 2001 aka Edsa Dos?

Just askin...

Dean also thinks that it was a smart move by Mrs. Arroyo to wage open war against the media.

Maybe it's just me, but using the Julius Babao case vs the media is weak at best.

UPDATE: Arroyo can whine about "media bias," but it's a fact that the big MSM here are mostly pro-Arroyo (PHILSTAR, Manila Bulletin, ABS-CBN, GMA7), and only one (PDI) seems to have turned against Ate Glue. If there's anybody who should be complaining about media bias, it's the opposition.

Calling PCIJ the "enemies of the state" and applying some CPR on their blog ain't gonna solve your credibility and legitimacy problems, Mrs Arroyo.

1 comment:

  1. That's the ironic thing of it all and the greatest indictment against her--all her old friends have now turned against her. they were all together during those heady days when they forced erap out.
