Friday, November 11, 2005

Bad Boys and Destabilizers

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you!

From the Malaya:

PRESIDENT Arroyo yesterday told the media to shed its "bad boy" image and be "responsible" by reporting the good news about the economy instead of allowing itself to be used in political games and destabilization plots.

Arroyo made the appeal, her third tirade against the media in two weeks, during the 31st top-level management conference of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas in Baguio City.

"Today, I call on you: Let us cast aside the ‘bad boy’ image that the press has acquired. Let us restore its glory as the ‘responsible son’ of a democratic nation. I appeal to you not to be used wittingly or unwittingly as pawns in political games or destabilization schemes," she said.

"The coverage of kangaroo courts, lynch mobs and witch hunts assails the peace of mind and the hopes of our people. The public wants winners. I know you know that, because you’re always looking at ratings…The economy is the only winner here today amidst these losers who carry no public mandate," she added.

"Bad boys" ang media? The TV networks like GMA7 and ABS-CBN don't even have the courage to play those GLORAGATE tapes on TV. COME ON GMA7 and ABS-CBN, show GMA how bad you really are... PLAY THOSE TAPES NA ON TV. LET'S DO IT NA! GMA STILL CLAIMS SHE IS THE REAL WINNER. WELL, IT'S TIME TO PUT THAT NONSENSE TO REST.

From the Malaya Editorial:

Gloria Arroyo wants the media to stop covering "kangaroo courts, lynch mobs and witch hunts." Well, all right, we’ll stop covering her government, the No. 1 retailer of baseless charges.


GMA screws up, blames media. From Neal Cruz:

IN THE wake of the latest booboos of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) -- both of which got the wrong man -- President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo vented her anger not on the law enforcers but on the media.

Why the media? What have the media got to do with it?

Apparently, Ate Glue was embarrassed by the twin booboos, coming so close to each other, that she has to look for a scapegoat. The original sinners are, of course, the intelligence arms of the AFP and the PNP, and Ate Glue got involved in it because of her penchant for claiming credit for the arrest of every penny-ante criminal. When the arrest turned out to be a dud, she got mud on her face. Pride, after all, was, is, and always will be Ate Glue's biggest sin

Read the whole thing. You know, kung hindi mo lang ninakaw ang election, eh di wala nang mahihirit pa ang opposition at press, di ba? In short, don't give them any ammunition that can be "used against you."

More on the "abusive media" from Awbholdings blog.

-- Ernie Maceda on Cito Lorenzo:

So come back. Former Agriculture Secretary Luis “Cito” Lorenzo, who prides himself as a highly successful private business executive and technocrat, said in Chicago he is not hiding from or evading the Senate agriculture committee hearings on the fertilizer scam, claiming he is abroad on a Gawad Kalinga project.

If that is true, then come home post-haste and attend a hearing of the Senate. That's the only way to clear your name. There's a 20-year prescriptive period on plunder. This issue is not going to go away. It can be revived even in 2010.

Cito, you owe it to your family's name to come clean on this issue. GMA does not deserve any further sacrifice or loyalty on your part. She has not been loyal or fair to you.

He also called DOI Secretary Raul Gonzalez "chicken":

Chicken, chicken. Here comes Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez on the warpath again. In a presscon, he was threatening to arrest former Vice President Teofisto Guingona Jr. and the 15 members of his presidium as well as witnesses testifying in the Citizens Congress for Truth and Accountability to be charged with inciting to sedition. What's holding you up, Raul? Do it, all those opposition leaders will be very happy to be arrested. They will not even post bail.

What happened to the threat to arrest Bro. Eddie Villanueva? Former President Cory Aquino, Bro. Armin Luistro, the so-called Hyatt 10 and other middle force leaders are also delivering speeches which “tend to disturb public peace.” Arrest them too.

And how about Representatives Crispin Beltran, Satur Ocampo, Teddy Casino, Riza Baraquel, Liza Masa, Joel Virador, Rafael Mariano? Aren't they always “uttering seditious words that tend to disturb the peace?” Arrest them all, including Chiz Escudero and Allan Peter Cayetano who testified at the Citizens Congress. Didn't you say, Mr. Secretary, nobody is above the law?

We are waiting with bated breath, Mr. Secretary, as we did when you threatened to arrest anyone who played or possessed the Garci tapes, including mediamen.

Or are you going to chicken out again?

-- Whistleblower Gudani accuses Arroyo of obstructing justice.

-- Senate seeks US assistance on Joc-joc Bolante.

-- Rose-colored glasses smashed again, at tayo ang kawawa:

The centerpiece of the reform measures, the expanded value- added tax (e-VAT), has cleared judicial hurdles and a 10 percent VAT is now being collected primarily on oil products.

The fiscal deficit is on its way of improving the P180-billion target for the year by a wide margin which according to Finance Secretary Margarito Teves may just end the year at P145 billion.

So are things looking up and is Gloria Arroyo getting the upgrades she was said to have demanded from the rating agencies that all gave the country a negative outlook at the middle of the year?

The rosy sight on the situation is a mirage, however, according to Finance officials themselves while saying the main revenue agencies of the government, the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs, have continued to miss their targets notwithstanding the excise tax on sin products and the so-called anti-smuggling campaign of the Customs bureau.

Then too, with the lateral attrition bill passed into law which demands kicking out those officials who fail to perform on their quota of tax collection, are any of these officials going to get the axe?

But wasn't this law hailed as another tax reform measure?

The imposition of a 10 percent VAT on oil products and electricity has started to squeeze Filipinos who are already reeling from the effects of high prices due to the astronomically high cost of fuel. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas has already undertaken a preemptive move by raising the rates at which banks borrow from each other overnight, which in turn is used as benchmark in the fixing of interest rates on loans.

The emerging scenario is that the VAT on fuel and power would further drive up prices since the products are essential inputs to any business undertaking.

-- More on the rape case filed vs. the 6 US serviceman by Ellen Tordesillas.

All I'm sayin is: if this crime was committed against an Iraqi woman, the Bush adminstration would be shitting in their pants right now.

-- Where did P1B additional House budget go? JDV asked. I think we have a good idea where it went. ;)

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