Monday, November 14, 2005


-- GMA: Focus on winners, not losers.

Comment: HO-kay. I noticed that she did not criticize the media for inaccuracies -- especially on GLORIAGATE. What she did was to tell the media to focus on "positive news" instead.

My advice to the media naman is to do their job the best they can, and get their facts right. Don't censor yourself (unless it's a "national security" issue) just to accomodate the wishes of certain people and don't be afraid to tell the truth.

Conrad de Quiros: Winners and Losers

Twenty-two years ago last August, someone was buried, and the newspapers and television all ignored it because it was the burial of a loser. That loser was named Ninoy Aquino. We don't watch out, we'll be back to the times of the Daily Express. More popularly, and rightly, known as the Daily Suppress.


Ellen Tordesillas: Winners and Losers

She is furious because despite her having bought congressmen to kill the impeachment complaint against her, people refuse to forget what they heard in the Hello Garci tapes and the many testimonies that supported her instruction to the missing Comelec Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano to rig the elections results.

She personifies what the Bible speaks of as one who gained the whole world and lost her own soul

She is riled by people who will not stop at finding out the truth about the 2004 elections. She said, “The coverage of kangaroo courts, lynch mobs and witch hunts affect the peace of mind and the hopes of our people. The public wants winners. I know you know that because you are always looking at ratings. The public wants winners. The economy is the only winner here today amidst these losers who carry no public mandate.”

If the proceedings in the People’s Court being carried out by the Citizens’ Congress for Truth and Accountability is affecting her peace of mind, that’s her problem. That’s what she gets for cheating and thwarting the will of the people.

Media’s role is to support the search for truth and inform the public about it. Contrary to Arroyo’s tirade that “the media are pushing the negative angle…too far,” truth is never negative because it liberates the people from ignorance. Information empowers the citizenry to attain their hopes and dreams.

PDI Editorial: Bad boy, bad girl

LIKE THE DICTATOR FERDINAND MARCOS, PRESIDENT Macapagal-Arroyo wants journalists to assume a new principal role-that of development propagandists. After calling on the media to "extensively" cover "positive" news about "a nation on the verge of economic takeoff," the President exhorted broadcast media executives to take a leading role. "It's time we put our hearts and heads together in a collective exercise to shape the destiny of this republic for the good of the greater number."

Like the dictator, however, the President belatedly found religion only when her very political survival was at stake. In her controversial speech before the KBP in Baguio, her slip showed, when she confused "negative" news with critical stories. "I appeal to you not to be used wittingly or unwittingly as pawns in political games or destabilization schemes." And then again: "the first one to stop being used in politics or in destabilization must be the media itself."

There's the rub. The President and her allies define political partisanship or destabilization too broadly. If they had their way, any criticism will be ruled out of bounds. Any position contrary to the Palace view will be declared basely partisan or even an act of destabilization. Any difference of opinion will be denounced as unpatriotic.

This is not to say that Philippine media are far from irreproachable. On the contrary, and as self-improvement efforts underway in various media organizations prove, no one has a keener sense of the media's shortcomings and excesses than the journalists themselves.

But faulting the media for their failings is one thing; giving them a new mission altogether, by presidential fiat as it were, is another.

JB Baylon: "Good News" Gloria

Now I have a nickname for the boss of Ignacio "Two Discs" Bunye. It is "Good News" Gloria, because it seems good news is all that the President would like the press to write or talk about.

I think she’s cutting it too close to what others would call "propaganda." And then why look to the media in general for the broadcast of propaganda? Doesn’t the government still own or control a considerable media/PR empire? If I am not mistaken, the Journal Group remains sequestered and under government control. Add to that TV stations NBN 4, RPN 9 and IBC 13. Then add the government radio network. And what have you got? A massive propaganda machinery under Gloria’s control that would be the envy of George W. Bush.

More from Lito Banayo: Winners and Losers

-- Raymond Burgos thinks Arroyo's attacks on the media are ineffective. Ya Arroyo, gawa-gawa lang ng media ang GLORIAGATE controversy ano? At hindi naman lahat ng media ay negative ah. Nandyan ang NBN4, RPN9, IBC 13, PHILSTAR, Manila Standard, Manila Bulletin, Manila Times, Radyo ng Bayan etc. etc. and many many others.

-- Who's the bigger kangaroo: The "kangaroo" People's Tribunal or the "kangaroo" Constitutional Commission?

The 50-member body that is in the process of spending P10 million — and rising — of people's money on so-called nationwide “consultations” is nothing but a Kangaroo Commission. They were appointed by Gloria Arroyo, their views on the matter they have been mandated to “study” are well known, they are aware that Mrs. Arroyo's survival in Philippine politics depends on their making the recommendation that she expects and the fate of their recommendation will be subject to the will of one individual, namely, the individual who appointed them.

If this sort of structure does not make the Con-com a Kangaroo Commission — Mrs. Arroyo appointed the jury and she alone will decide what to do with the jury's not unexpected verdict — I don't know what does, the commission is of, by and for Gloria Arroyo. Convenors of kangaroo courts would feel an instinctive affinity for Mrs. Arroyo's 50-member body.

Yet, Mikey Arroyo's mother has the gall, the nerve, the effrontery, to call the Citizens Congress for Truth and Accountability (CCTA) a kangaroo court. She and her lapdogs conveniently forget to say there would have been no need for a CCTA if she and her House of Representatives satraps had not bought their way toward a rejection by that chamber of the opposition's amended impeachment complaint. “Take your case to Congress,” Gloria Arroyo had taunted the opposition. Unfortunately, a funny thing happened on the opposition's way to Congress. All but 51 of the House's members had been persuaded, by one means or another, to either vote no or abstain.

The CCTA is not an official court. It has officially invited Gloria Arroyo and her subordinates to refute whatever facts evidencing official wrongdoing are brought out in the congress's proceedings. They are allowed to confront and “cross-examine” the opposition's evidence-givers. The congress will not hand down an enforceable verdict. The CCTA is not a judge, jury and judge rolled into one. So how can it possibly be fairly called a kangaroo court?

One other thing--you really don't need the People's Court to tell you that GMA stole the elections.

Because everybody EFFIN knows she cheated.

The CCTA is only there as a way for evidence of election fraud to come out in a very public forum, na dapat sanang lumabas sa impeachment trial ni GMA bago pinatay.

-- CBCP’s Capalla no Arroyo ‘puppet’ — Malacañang

Malacañang yesterday expressed optimism that even with the change in the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines' (CBCP) leadership, the government's relationship with the Church would be still be an “awesome” one.

During a press briefing, Press Secretary and concurrent presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye at the same time agreed with an earlier statement of outgoing CBCP president Davao Archbishop Fernando Capalla, saying the CBCP leader is not a “puppet” of President Arroyo.

“We believe in his (Capalla's) statement and he's very independent-minded,” he said.

-- Subscriber ako sa Black and White movement email list, pero ngayon ko lang napansin na may blog sila.

-- Malaya Editorial: From Red to terrorist bogey

But Gonzales is not to give up because the government is losing to the communists in the "legal" struggle. He said the Anti-Subversion Law may be dead but he has an ace up his sleeve. And what is this new weapon against the communists? Why, it’s the proposed anti-terrorism law which seeks to ban "terrorist" organizations and proscribe membership in them.

Thank you, Bert. Nothing could be clearer. Since being a "communist" is no longer a crime, you want to jail suspected party members by pinning a new tag, that of being a "terrorist," on them. Neat and easy, no?

We suppose Bert could start with Satur Ocampo. Liza Maza, Etta Rosales and the rest of the left-leaning members of Congress. He could then proceed to throw into jail the leader of Kilusang Mayo Uno, Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas and other "terrorist front organizations." And while Bert is at it, he might as well also round up all "terrorist" sympathizers. He should also include members of the media who give succor and comfort to the enemy by glorifying "terrorists" and "terrorism."

When society would have been cleansed of "terrorists," then we suppose Filipinos would be ushered into Gloria’s Promised Land of economic prosperity, graft-free government, honest and truthful leadership and elected officials truly voted into office by the citizenry.

I'm not a lefty, but I am anti-GMA. Will I qualify as a "terrorist" too? O "Destabilizer" lang?

-- Guingona group told: Go ahead, raise ‘findings’ with UN, AI

A group dubbed the People's Appellate Tribunal (PAT) yesterday laughed off the reported plan of the Citizens Congress for Truth and Accountability (CCTA) to bring its findings in its investigation of the various charges against President Arroyo before the United Nations and the human rights group Amnesty International, saying the move is aimed at not only humiliating the Chief Executive before the international community but to obtain monetary and moral support from such groups for them to boost their bid to oust her from Malacañang.

But the Palace distanced itself from the PAT, denying any link to the newly formed group that was apparently created to oppose the CCTA in its conduct of a “people's tribunal” in trying Mrs. Arroyo over her alleged commission of corruption repeatedly, fraud in last year's presidential polls and human rights abuses.

During a press briefing at the Palace, presidential adviser for political affairs Gabriel Claudio denied that the administration gave PAT convenor, lawyer Oliver Lozano, its blessing to create his group.

“Malacañang has absolutely nothing to do with lawyer Lozano's initiative,” he told reporters, while reiterating that the Palace still does not recognize the legality of the CCTA.

-- Dean Jorge Bocobo dissects Ignacio Bunye's latest propaganda tactic.

-- Bunye: Oil rollback is due to EVAT

-- Bunye to media: Stop Whining

-- Here's the Union of Filipino Foreign Officers' open letter slamming DFA Sec. Romulo on Garcillano.

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