Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Oliver Lozano's "People's Appellate Court"

Ya know, if this administration thinks the Citizens' Congress on Truth and Accountability (CCTA) is a "kangaroo cout" na hindi na dapat pansinin ng publiko, then why is it still spending so much energy trying to discredit them, even to the point of setting up a mock "People's Appellate Court" (by useful idiot Oliver Lozano) to neutralize the CCTA and confuse the public?

Aren't they just giving Guingona's CCTA more attention than it deserves?

Unless, of course, they think the CCTA's People Tribunal is a big threat to expose all the corruption and criminal activities of the fake president's administration.

From the Tribune:

GMA lackey sets up counter mock court

By Sherwin C. Olaesand Gerry Baldo
Sunday, 11 13, 2005

Lawyer Oliver Lozano has again come to the rescue of President Arroyo, amid plans of the Citizens' Congress on Truth and Accountability (CCTA) to send and distribute its findings not only in the metropolis and the provinces, but also foreign organizations such as the United Nations and Amnesty International.

In a bid to neutralize what could be a CCTA finding of, at the least, probable cause against Mrs. Arroyo on charges of massive poll rigging, graft and corruption and human rights violations, as well as a MalacaƱang move to counter the negative publicity arising from the so-called People's Court, Lozano yesterday said plans are afoot to form yet another mock court which will be known as the “People's Appellate Tribunal” (PAT) that will be tasked to countercheck the proceedings of the CCTA, which is presided over by former Vice President Teofisto Guingona Jr.

Lozano is the same lawyer who immediately filed an impeachment complaint, said to be a bogus one, against the President.

His complaint was immediately, and on the same day, quickly endorsed by a party-list congressmen allied with Mrs. Arroyo, Rep. Rodante Marcoleta.

It was later disclosed by former Social as Services Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Soliman, that both Lozano and Marcoleta were tapped by MalacaƱang through Presidential Legislative Liaison officer Gabriel Claudio, to take care of the bogus complaint, for the President to be spared of a Senate trial.

Three complaints were lodged against Mrs. Arroyo, but as Lozano was the first one, it was this that was accepted as the “only valid complaint” by the congressional allies of Mrs. Arroyo.

It was later dismissed to be lacking in form and substance.

Of course, the administration quickly denied they were the one behind Oliver Lozano's latest scheme.

Yeah right.

And Mike Defensor couldn't resist taking a jab at CCTA's "People Tribunal" and Lozano's "People's Appellate Court":

He laughed off the move of lawyer Oliver Lozano to convene an appellate court which will complement people’s court.

"I guess you have to talk to the Vice President (referring to Guingona) if that would be appealed in his court. Natatawa na lang ako. May (people’s) court, may appellate court. I am waiting for someone to put up the Supreme Court…Let’s see how that legal process will go through," he said.


Mike Defensor's waiting for someone to put up a fake "supreme court"? Heck, we already have a fake president and a fake administration, and we recently saw the submission of a fake "impeachment complaint" by Oliver Lozano, so nothing coming out of this administration and it's advocates will surprise me anymore.


  1. http://www.mb.com.ph/MAIN2005111549168.html#

  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8533441/

