Thursday, December 15, 2005

Coup! Coup! Coup!

Malaya Editorial:

There are indisputably officers in key positions whose loyalty to Gloria as commander-in-chief ends where their loyalty to the Constitution and to the people begins. The AFP and the PNP leadership knows these officers. But again, the brass cannot move against them on mere suspicion of disloyalty to Gloria. The leadership cannot even resort to the simple expediency of stripping them of command and sending them to the freezer.

Why? Because running after these officers might yet trigger precisely what the Gloria loyalist generals fear most – a mutiny within the ranks or a rebellion against the corrupt and incompetent Arroyo regime.

Remember the first Edsa uprising? Months before, General Fabian Ver knew what the Reform the Armed Forces Movement was up to. He could not, however, round up the RAM leaders because it might further polarize the military. Ver believed, fatally to the Marcos regime, that RAM was just a nuisance that could be swatted like a fly by the full might of the AFP.

That’s where we are right now. And the Sengas and the Esperons are sounding exactly like Ver.

Ellen Tordesillas: Coup-korokoko!

-- Magdalo captain bolts: Says he's joining fight for credible gov't

-- Former General Fortunato Abat declares "Revolutionary Transition Gov't." But his buddy Fidel Ramos is against it... raw.

-- 2 Coronels related to Abat fired.

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