Thursday, January 05, 2006

I predict kokonti na lang ang mga whistleblowers na lalabas in the future...

If this is the price they pay for exposing corruption in gov't and in the Military. It's too high a price for ordinary and honest Filipinos to bear and many will think that it's not worth it.

With another military officer blowing the whistle on irregularities in the Philippine Air Force establishment, and with threats from the PAF to have the Air Force colonel arrested and charged before a court-martial, senators yesterday warned MalacaƱang not to take any action against PAF Col. Efren Daquil, stressing that the move would be counter-productive, even as the Palace earlier lauded the move of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) hierarchy to discipline the colonel for speaking to the media without authorization.

Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. called on the top brass of the PAF to stop harassing Daquil by threatening him with disciplinary sanctions, saying that which it should do is to provide a truthful reply to his allegations.

For his part, Sen. Rodolfo Biazon urged President Arroyo to order a probe immediately, demanding transparency in probing Daquil’s claims, cautioning both the leadership of the AFP and the Palace against any attempt to cover up or kill the issue. He stressed that such moves will only worsen the situation if no credible solution is provided.

The twin call came after Daquil, who earlier exposed alleged illegal monthly allowances of top officials in the military organization, voluntarily surrendered to his superiors.

Daquil claimed that generals and wing commanders of the PAF are illegally receiving P45,000 every month as allowance, on top of their salaries.

“If he is telling the truth, the generals concerned should be investigated and punished accordingly. Let it not be said that all officers of the PAF and other major services of the AFP have been compromised by illegal payoffs,” Pimentel said.

Biazon echoed Pimentel’s proposal saying Mrs. Arroyo should move for a probe since “there is a lot of explaining to do from the part of the AFP.”

This pisses me off because, eto na naman... kinakawawa na naman ng admin ang mga whistleblowers na lumalabas para kontrahin ang mga corrupt officials.

Remember Acsa Ramirez's ordeal?

Or how the administration abducted... OOOPS I mean "rescued" and silenced whistleblowers Udong Mahusay and Vidal Doble? And Arroyo's police are still going after Samuel Ong for leaking the "Hello Garci" tapes to the public with trumped-up charges of "kidnapping" Vidal Doble.

Then there's Rashma Hali, a COMELEC official and a witness to Arroyo's dagdag bawas machine. He was the subject of Garcillano's conversation in the Hello Garci tapes where they talked about "soft touching" and kidnapping Hali's relatives.

At pinarusahan rin ng AFP si Gen. Gudani at Col. Balutan (they face court martial proceedings) for telling the truth re the election cheating operations ni Arroyo sa senate hearing.

Or how about nung i-expose ni Archives employees Remmel Talabis, Emman Llamera and Vicelyn Tarin yung National Archives cum forger expert Ricardo Manapat? I remember them getting harassed and smeared by Administration and pro-media attack dogs like Rina Jimenez David, by implying na bayaran lang ang 3 national archives employees ng opposition:

THE EMPLOYEES, on the other hand, seem to be protected for now. If any of them is dismissed or laid off, even for just cause, it will always be linked with their testimony. Even if Manapat remains as head of the National Archives, his hands are effectively tied as far as wreaking vengeance on the three is concerned. He can throw in a whole cage-full of rats on their desks but there is nothing he can do but tolerate their presence. Besides, as civil servants, they enjoy seemingly impregnable immunity.

And if by the not-so-remote chance that Poe wins the presidency, why of course, they will be rewarded. It's a no-brainer why they would choose to throw in their lot with those gunning after an agency head they had already been clamoring to be removed.

Disgusting. Yeah Rina, if only Ricardo Manapat had "more charm" in him, he and his phony documents would have been more believable.

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