Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Say Hello to the people of Loserville

From Andrew17Robin, in the comments section:

Let us just work for the betterment of this country and go on with our lives. Let us begin to educate ourselves and the masa as a whole to vote wisely, to vote on the best alternative programs for the betterment of our country and not vote for those who are popular and moneyed. If not then the cycle of corrupt officials will remain.

And how the fuck are we going to be able "to work for the betterment of our country" and to teach our kids and people about making good decisions, doing the right thing, and being good citizens if you guys continue to mess it up by making excuses and defending Arroyo's corruption, illegitimacy and criminality, Andrew?

you know the other side is losing when attack us for being "moralists", without even bothering to defend Arroyo's legitmacy claims anymore (like Austero).

(And I hate the term "moralists" because it is usually associated with religious conservatives/zealots like Manoling Morato and his ilk, and I'm not religious at all.)

What does that tell us? Na they're angry because we want to do the right thing and have a legitimate president in place?

Pathetic talaga ang mga Arroyo Loyalists, ano?

Do you think replacing GMA now will removed corruption.

I don't think you'll eradicate corruption overnight, but I think replacing Arroyo is a first big step towards stability and legitimacy, and we have reversed a negative, corrupting trend, into something more positive. And make no mistake about it, she has pretty much corrupted every institution, including the COMELEC, SC, DOJ, AFP, PNP, Congress.

No admin has been this corrupt since Marcos, not even Erap.

Do you think replacing GMA now will removed corruption. No because as I see it all your rheotorics are the same as the old ones I have heard but have led us to nowhere.

and we cannot have real reforms if the ones who are doing it are the main rulebreakers in the country. We need somebody credible and legit to do that.

This bickering will lead us to nowhere because too many marunongs at nagmamarunong.
Why not make your own open letter and see if can reach the heights of Bong's letter.

I don't think i'll ever attain Bong's popularity, and I am not interested in it either.

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