Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Kristie Kenney to Magsaysay: Sorry, can't help you with Bolante

Our favorite US Ambassador of all time, Kristie Kenney, has spoken on the Joc-joc Bolante case, and no surprise (to me at least)-- she refuses to cooperate with Sen. Magsaysay's committee in providing more information on Joc joc.

Instead, and tells magsaysay to get his information from the DFA.

Okay. fayn. Watever.

It's funny though because when you ask the DFA naman for more information on Joc joc, they say na all inquiries on Joc joc should be referred to his lawyer Antonio zulueta, who has made himself scarce and cannot be found or contacted.

(Ellen Tordesillas tried to contact lawyer Zulueta but to no avail.)

This is not the first time the DFA dicked around on the Bolante case.

More from the Tribune:

But MalacaƱang washed its hands off the Bolante arrest, saying he is no longer a government official, but also said, as a private citizen, that the consulate in Los Angeles would afford Bolante the assistance given to any Filipino citizen. On the matter of the details and background of the Bolante affair, nothing was offered, which in itself is much too strange, considering that consulate officers can definitely obtain basic information from the US authorities, having the official foreign government status.

But giving out information that Bolante’s case involved a canceled visa made things even worse, since there have been too many Filipinos — relatively known and unknown — who have had their visas canceled by US authorites, denied entry to the US and detained very briefly, with these Filipinos quickly shipped back, without being arrested, and without having to post bail of $100,000 or have a hearing. And this is Joc-Joc Bolante, known to be a close ally and associate of the presidential couple, who many times over, ensured his protection when he flitted in and out of the country to evade being called to the Senate to testify on the P3-billion fertilizer funds scam.

More strange official behavior was noted. On the day of the hearing, the DFA claimed that Bolante had spurned the Arroyo government’s assistance, invoking privacy, then saying all queries on Bolante should be coursed through his lawyer in Manila, who couldn’t be found.
And to this day, his lawyer have yet to make a statement regarding Joc Joc Bolante that can be found in Google news.

Amee Enriquez also noted the lack of transparency from all the authorities on the Joc joc matter:

He was already making headlines in the Philippines because of a scandal involving fertilizer, but prior to his arrest at the Los Angeles International Airport last July 7, few Filipinos in Los Angeles have even heard of Jocelyn "Joc-Joc" I. Bolante.

Now Joc-joc’s name has entered the consciousness of U.S.-based Filipinos, especially as the details surrounding his arrest and detention at the San Pedro Detention Facility in L.A., a jail used exclusively for foreigners who violate U.S. immigration laws, are hazy, and neither the Philippine government, members of the Philippine Consulate in L.A., Joc-joc’s Manila based lawyer, Antonio Zulueta, or U.S. immigration officials are willing to talk about the circumstances surrounding his B1-B2 visa cancellation.

UPDATE: It's interesting that the administration tried to make it look like Mike Arroyo was already in the US before Joc Joc got arrested.

We first heard about Joc Joc's arrest on july 12, 2006 from the DFA. We also know that Mike Arroyo was in San Francisco at the time.

Sabi ng mga spokesperson ni big mike na hindi siya lumipad sa US para tulungan si Bolante and he's already been staying in SF since July 9 raw.

(Lumabas lang kasi ang balita na nakulong si Joc Joc noong July 12, 2006.)

The office of Mr. Arroyo denied he flew to the US to assist Bolante who is a fellow Rotarian.

Juris Soliman, Mr. Arroyo’s chief of staff, said the President’s husband has been staying in San Francisco since July 9. He proceeded to San Francisco after the Spain visit.

Soliman said the First Gentleman did not drop by Los Angeles to see or assist Bolante.

We found out later na the DFA already knew about the arrest since July 7 pa pala, but kept the news out of the public for 5 days.

And Arroyo may not have "dropped by" to see Bolante in person, but did he have contact (eg phone) with Jocjoc while he's under custody?

As for Mike Arroyo "not assisting" Bolante, there's nothing much Mike Arroyo can do anyway to save Bolante from his mess other than to do damage/spin control (limit the damage to Bolante alone), and get their (joc joc and pidal's) stories straightened out before this whole thing explodes.

MORE questions from Amee Enriquez:

As of the moment, there are more questions than answers surrounding Joc-joc's arrest at the LAX.

Why was his B1-B2 visa cancelled? Why was he not deported back to the Philippines immediately if it was only an immigration-related matter in the U.S.? Why is he being detained in San Pedro? Why is he required to pay $100,000 bail? Why did he reject consular help during his hearing last July 12?

Why are there rumors that he was allegedly in the U.S. to seek asylum? What about talks of extradition? Why was he in the U.S. allegedly to meet up with First Gentleman Mike Arroyo, who arrived in San Francisco at almost the same time that Bolante arrived at the LAX from Seoul, Korea?

Why is there no definite statement from either the Philippine government, the Philippine consulate in L.A., Bolante's lawyer, Antonio Zulueta, or U.S. immigration officials? Is Antonio Zulueta even Bolante's lawyer? There have also been reports that he is represented by a U.S.-based immigration attorney.

UPDATE: DJB says that Mike Arroyo is recruiting lawyers from the Bay Area to help Bolante:

Senator Ramon Magsaysay, Jr. suggested today that the fleeing Jocjoc Bolante may be in trouble with US authorities for more than immigration violations. The report is that his visa was cancelled upon the request of the U.S. Embassy in Manila, and he is apparently being detained in a San Pedro California facility, pending the resolution of certain procedures, including a reported plea for asylum. I hear from certain people in the San Francisco Bay Area that lawyers are being recruited by First Gentleman Mike Arroyo to help Jocjoc. (You know who you are--Shame on you guys!)

So Mike Arroyo is helping after all (albeit indirectly). Is Rodel Rodis one of the guys being recruited? Anyway, he has more to say about Joc Joc and the lawyers who are defending him. read the whole thing.

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