Monday, July 17, 2006

Late Monday Roundup

  • "Where are our students?"

    THE University Council of the University of Philippines at Diliman, the academic body composed of faculty members, has expressed concern about the government’s inaction on the disappearance of two UP students, Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan.

    The two undergraduates were doing research in Hagonoy,Bulacan when they were abducted by rifle-wielding men on June 26. The University Council said that UP President Emerlinda Roman had already written Local Government Secretary Ronaldo Puno and Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz requesting assistance to find the students, one of whom was pregnant. But up to now, UP has not received any indications of what happened to them.

  • Another questionable appointment by Arroyo, considering na sangkot si General Esperon sa GLORIAGATE scandal.

    Esperson’s promotion will neither foster calm or even reconciliation within the ranks of a military agitated by allegations of senior officers participating in electoral fraud. It will not smoothen relations with Congress or assuage the fears, rightly or wrongly, in certain quarters that the administration is showing a marked interest in pursuing authoritarian solutions to its political problems. It will not enhance the prestige of the Armed Forces, or inspire confidence in the senior officer corps.

  • No to Cha-cha sentiment rises to 67%. Read this too from PCIJ.

  • Arroyo's "press release" boys come in pairs (eg, garcia and Puentevella, cagas and Cerilles), napansin ni Kuya Lito.

  • Have we reached the tipping point? Increased taxes and an even higher uncontrolled spending (many of our money is being used to crush her political enemies and buy off the clergy and congressmen's support), yang ang style ni Arroyo.

    That's what you get when you have a president who's always on political survival mode dahil sa legitimacy problems niya. For God Sakes Macapagal, DO US ALL A FAVOR AND RESIGN NA. DON'T DRAG THE ENTIRE COUNTRY TROUGH FOUR MORE YEARS OF THIS.

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