Friday, December 01, 2006

CPR/BP 880, the People Power killer

I've addressed this before. From an Ellen Trodesillas commenter:

It is hard to believe that One Million people are not even willing to give up a few days of their lives to join this demonstration of strength outside the Palace gates.

and this:
If One Million angry warm bodies were standing outside the Palace gates; no doubt thats the signal for ‘Uncle Sam’ to send in a helicopter or two to the Palace grounds to execute their own ‘Exit Plan’. They did it once before!

mahirap. because the CPR policy is still in place via BP 880 even though it's already declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court (and just because the EO 464 gag rule was also declared unconstitutional doesn't mean it's still not being implemented by Arroyo.)

Obviously, the administration learned their lesson from EDSA TRES.

the CPR policy is so effective, even belarus copied the Arroyo tactic (with great success) to suppress the belarusian opposition from mounting a "people power" revolution to oust their own cheating fake president -- who also stole the elections early this year.

Pero there's a major difference on how the US treated the Philippines and Belarus case though.

I have more on this here: "Why Aren't People Revolting?" in response to JB baylon's article.

kaya hindi nyo ba napansin na panay yung sipsip ng Arroyo admin sa bush administration, lalo na pagdating sa War on Terror. it's to get on america's good side. There's a good reason for it. (via mlq3) she did it twice because of her legitimacy problems. pati yung subic rape case ipapatalo ng malacanang para lang hindi magalit ang US sa kanila.

Anyway, there were two major attempts to court the US to her side. the first time she did it was after 9/11.

the second time was after the gloriagate legitimacy scandal broke out. Remember that she broke her ties with the Coalition of the Willing after she prematurely pulled all the RP troops out of iraq because of terrorist demands. That got the US angry. And the Philippines was dropped out of the Coalition of the Willing.

"If this is the price to pay for being Filipino, so be it." These were fighting words from President Arroyo, said last week in response to a statement by Richard Boucher, spokesman of the US State department, that the Philippines was, "at this point," not part of the so-called Coalition of the Willing, following its decision to withdraw its troops from Iraq ahead of schedule to save the life of Angelo de la Cruz.

Arroyo calculated thought she can ditch the US after "winning" the 2004 elections (kasi may "legitimacy" na raw siya) and play the "china card" to compensate for the expected US aid cutbacks. She guessed wrong.

Now, she's quit playing the China Card and started making sipsip to the Bush admin again. Arroyo's lucky because most of the Neocons are gone now, and the US is slowly going back to it's old cynical "realist" foreign policy of supporting dictators and illegitimate rulers (if it's in the US' interest). Take note the Robert Gates appointment and the ascension of retread James Baker in Bush's new inner circle.

1 comment:

  1. GMA's policy of selling the Filipinos to foreign lands is one way of reducing not just the unemployment but to lessen the warm bodies that could eventually throw her out. The anti-terror bill which if it had been passed would circumvent the declaration of martial law and allow her to crush all forms of dissent. The Cha-Cha is not the ultimate solution for her but a state initiated or sponsored coup that will eventually allow her to rule forever.
