Friday, December 01, 2006

No reported cases of bird flu in the Philippines?


The other day, here at a conference in the US, two Japanese friends turned to me with a document printed in Japanese. Upon closer inspection, I found out that the document was actually a world map, showing the World Health Organization data about bird flu cases and reported deaths in countries all over the world.

What my Japanese friends could not understand is why, in all of Asia, the Philippines was the only country without any reported bird flu case or death. Was this accurate, they asked me? Or was there something we were doing right that maybe Japan should do, too?

I smiled, and as a good Filipino I said that indeed, so far, there are no reported cases of bird flu in the Philippines. I hastened to add that similarly there are no reported cases of cheating in Philippine elections – although they failed to get the tone behind that remark.

Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. there is also no truth that most, if not all, murders of journalists, activists, students, and religious active in social work are politically motivated.

