Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Quick Fisking Angara's acolyte

A lot of spin and revisionism from Demaree Raval, Angara's lieutenant:

Sen. Edgardo Angara, president of the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP), was not off the mark when he decried the announcement of a unity ticket for the Senate in the May 2007 elections as a bit premature because it lacked the necessary groundwork for a united opposition.

Not that Angara was sourgraping, that he was excluded from the list or that the LDP was not even mentioned as a party to the coalition. It is the fact that the makeup of the ticket simply does not offer an alternative to the Filipino people.

First of all, the reason why Angara is not part of the Opposition anymore is because the guy is a phony and a Palace Mole. Alam ni Angara na dinaya ang kandidato nya, pero nakipag-kampihan ka pa rin siya sa mga tao gumago sa inyo.

It is the fact that the makeup of the ticket simply does not offer an alternative to the Filipino people. Which is not intelligent politics at all. Expectedly, the premature announcement by the spokesman of former President Joseph Estrada has only served to confuse and sow distrust among the members of the opposition.

Why, indeed, should a list be bandied about when there is even no platform of government that is available as another choice to supplant the government of Gloria Arroyo? Many of those in the list have questionable credentials to be counted among the ranks of the opposition, and it looks like their only qualification is their newly discovered revulsion for Arroyo.

But wasn't it Angara who picked FPJ to run for president, over lacson? And Raval talks about "credible candidates" and "platforms for governance"?

It is not wise to include, for instance, Kiko Pangilinan in the line-up. The people have not forgotten his role in the railroaded national canvass in 2004. So, what guarantee is there that the 18 million who voted for Fernando Poe Jr. will vote for Pangilinan? Certainly this fair-weather turncoat will lose in any fair canvass of the votes. That slot for him should have been given to any one of those who are truly deserving, such as Rolex Suplico or Harry Roque.

I have no problems with Suplico or Roque.

It is strange, but for the last year and a half (after the Garci tapes became public), Mr. Noted was more critical of Arroyo than Angara ever was during that same period, even though Pangilinan is still not a member of the opposition.

Pangilinan even called for Arroyo resignation in 2005 and supported the move to impeach her, something Angara did not do.

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