Monday, September 12, 2005

CBCP President Fernando Capalla: Let's Move On na raw!

Move on? Hindi ba yan rin ang sinabi ng mga kakampi ni arroyo after she made her phony apology on tv?

From the Philippine Star:

Saying it’s time to move on, Davao Archbishop Fernando Capalla, outgoing president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), urged Filipinos yesterday to look on the bright side and work together to solve the country’s political and economic problems.

Focusing on bad news is "aggravating the situation, as it feeds an atmosphere of cynicism prevailing in many sectors," Capalla said in the wake of the opposition’s move to revive street protests calling for President Arroyo’s resignation.

That's nice and all, but how the fuck can you "move on" after the way the administration and her allies murdered the impeachment process, using their numerical superiority?

This is the same Archbishop Capalla btw, who wouldn't support fellow Archbishop Oscar Cruz's anti-jueteng drive vs the Pidals, who floated Malacanang's bullshit idea of a "truth commission" to the public (walang kumagat), tapos on the possibility na the CBCP might reverse it's previous statement on not calling for the fake president's resignation, ito ang sabi ni Capalla:

“Not in my lifetime (will I allow the statement to be changed),” Capalla said during an interview.

Talagang maka-pro Arroyo talaga ang obispo na ito. Obvious na from the very beginning.

OTOH, kinontra naman siya ni Archbishop Oscar Cruz:

Cruz: Impeach death means rough times ahead for Malacañang

By Jun P. Yap, Sherwin C. Olaes and Dona Policar
Monday, 09 12, 2005

With the unfortunate “murder” of the impeachment complaints filed against President Arroyo, the Philippines faces another rough and tough year — at least until the next impeachment case is filed.

Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz yesterday revealed this scenario as he noted that the killing of the impeachment case by Mrs. Arroyo's allies in the House of Representatives last Sept. 6 failed to provide the needed closure.

“The whole year ahead becomes a time for more dissent, big rallies, long marches. Expect more shouts of insult, placards of shame, manifestations of indignation,” Cruz said in his statement posted on the Internet.

He added the President will continue to lose more credibility and suffer from more ineffective leadership while the economy is bad and still becoming worse.

And because Mrs. Arroyo has no credibility to speak of, the bishop stressed, no one will accept her repeated calls for reconciliation with her opponents.

“Reconciliation becomes but an empty dream, a bad word,” Cruz noted.

He added with partisan politics junking the impeachment complaint, Mrs. Arroyo will be among the losers, not getting a chance to answer the charges of lying, cheating and stealing against her.

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