From Lito Banayo:
Why have SWS and Pulse Asia been so silent these days? How come they allow this outfit with the funny, unimaginative name, or over-imaginative some would say, pretentious even, this CIA, or Center for Issues and Advocacy, to rate this government and La Gloria's leadership?
Funny too that former president FVR's long-time and ever-loyal publicist, Ed Malay, should be announcing the latest ratings which sound almost like FVR's rantings. From 8 percent in August to a minus 57 in October. I'm sure Toting Bunye will have dug deep into his dictionary of spins to disparage these ratings by the time this column sees print. When Ibon said the president's ratings had plunged to some 67 percent, Malacañang derisively labeled it "leftist". Now CIA, as rightist a name as anybody could ever imagine, and right by association likewise, also says she failed. Malacañang ought to call in Mahar and Pepe, and hope to inveigle them to come up with something upbeat fast. Exit polls, perhaps?
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